To: President Donald Trump

Make the EPA test Ethanol E-10 MPG

The EPA does not test E-10 (now E-15) for its actual MPG: President Bush Sr. gave Ethanol testing a waiver through the EPA. Big Oil and Big Agriculture have put Ethanol into our gas supply, first without telling us (the waiver allowed up to 5% secretly) and later as E-10 and now E-15.

Ethanol always contains a small amount of water. This <1% water, once in your gas, causes ethanol to separate - not completely but into "clumps". These Ethanol clumps burn easily but at lower temperature, delaying the gas molecule burn. That causes your real gas to burn too late, wasting 20% of its push power. The result: your mileage is down, since 1990, by about 15%.

Inefficient E-10 and E-15 mileage costs the USA about $100 B in foreign oil imports directly, and another $100 B indirectly, for example by pushing gas refinery usage to its limits and thus allowing sudden "scarcity pricing increases" in gas, corn, milk, etc.

We must allow the EPA to scientifically test real E-10 and E-15 gas mileage and report it to the public. Stop this blatant theft by the Big Oil, Big Agriculture, and the Big Banks the ultimately benefit the most - because that foreign oil is bought on borrowed money!

President Obama! Cancel the Ethanol waiver! Let the EPA test Ethanol E-15 and at least see who is telling the truth!

Why is this important?

Ethanol, at low percentages such as E-5 (5% Ethanol) up to E-15 (15% Ethanol) causes MPG in most cars to drop about 12% to 20%. Thata costs the USA up to $200 B each year! Why? Because E-10 has about .5% water, its Ethanol clumps and burns first, destroying the car's use of real gas. We DEMAND that the EPA test our real "at-the-pump" gas that we are forced to use.
