To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Make the oil companies public utilities.

In the interest of every American, all oil companies will now be made public utilities and the benefits of them will be directed to the best interest of all Americans.

Why is this important?

Since it takes about $20 a barrel to get oil in America and most of it is gotten now on public land, which means it's America's oil !!! Then it's sold on the open market for over a hundred dollars a barrel and obscene profits. I purpose we make the oil companies a public utility. Then when we can sell American oil here in America at say, $25-$30 a barrel and it'll help balance the cost of Opec oil. Over the course of years, we'll buy all the stock back at it's current price, so no one will lose any money. THAT WILL stimulate the economy and create jobs. For those that say the government can't run things effectively, look at Social Security: " an extremely efficient program, with administrative costs equaling only 0.6 percent of retirement and survivors benefits." Now you show me any company, in any field, that can run it's business that lean. Government can be an effective force for the good of its people, and the benefits of the oil industry should be put to that purpose and not the few fat cats profiteers obscene profits. Remember, it's America's oil on public lands.
