To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

make UC democratic

The University of California needs a democratic process. The Regents have been selected by the governor and that needs to change. They have run the greatest university system into the ground. We must take back the power and make the Regents elected and accountable to the citizens of California. The governor selects Regents from the one percent corporate supporters and they run it that way. For profit.

Why is this important?

I graduated from UC Santa Cruz. I've worked for over 10 years as staff at UC Santa Cruz. I've seen the results of corporate leadership. Classes have been added for their money making possibilities and art classes dropped for the exact opposite reasons. Journalism programs no longer exist because they promoted investigative articles about the university. Chancellors chosen because of their influence with Silicon Valley.Tuition skyrockets while UC purchases more land and buildings and pleads poverty. Creative financial maneuverings in an unethical atmosphere. This must be changed... and it starts at the top.