To: Governor Tom Corbett, Governor of Pennsylvania, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, Governor Martin O'Malley, Governor of Maryland, and President Barack Obama, President of the United States

Make Your Governor Prove Fracking's Safe

Because the safety of Natural Gas Operations have not been proven: We, the undersigned, are calling on Pennsylvania's Governor Corbett; New York's Governor Cuomo; Maryland's Governor O'Malley and President Obama to authorize the Susquehanna River Basin Commission to conduct a multi-state cumulative impact study of the effects of Natural Gas Operations on the water quality of the Susquehanna River.

If the Governors believe in the safety of Gas Operations they should be willing to prove it.

Why is this important?

Clean Water Action of Pennsylvania, in alliance with other citizens, demand that the Governors of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New York order the Susquehanna River Basin Commission to institute a multi-state, comprehensive environmental study of the water quality effects of drilling/fracking operations in the Susquehanna watershed.

For more information about this campaign, please contact Nathan Sooy of Clean Water Action at 717-233-1801 or at [email protected].