To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Making Organic Food Cost Competitive With Conventional Produce Through Changes of the Farm Bill

I petition that until Organic Food is price competitive to Convectional Produce - The American Government has not done it's roll in ensuring our food safety, our citizens health. They have simply instead aided the food industry in making another 1% in gross margins. And it's absurd. I want all organic farmers to have the chance to obtain in the united states a 10k+ loan to help scale-up their small, local, organic farms.

Why is this important?

I, like millions of Americans, struggle to find a balance between eating healthy, and having enough money to be able to afford the other things we need to have an enjoyable life. My petition argues that we for too long have used the Farm Bill to subsidize the production of corn when the Farm Bill was intended to figure out how to subsidize farmers. We currently have less than 10% of the funds go towards Organic, Sustainable, and producers of the like. I want all organic farmers to have the chance to obtain in the united states an annual, renewable, 10k+ loan to help scale-up their small, local, organic farms to allow for organic food to become more cost competitve with conventional Produce.
