To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Making our politicians accountable

Any raises awarded to members of the House and Senate are to be voted on by "We the people..". Any 'golden parachute' pensions awarded to members of the House and Senate are to be dissolved, and they should receive social security like the people they represent.

Why is this important?

Currently, our politicians at the federal level are voting on issues that do not impact them. When they vote on health care, their jobs are not impacted by the decisions they make about it. They vote on whether or not to give themselves a raise? What other jobs out there conduct themselves in this manner? We should vote for whether or not they're doing the kind of job that would warrant a raise. Social security does not impact them in any way. They need to be impacted by what they're voting on. We need to make our politicians realize they're public servants. They need to stop only serving themselves, and start serving us again.