To: The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Making Out of School Suspension Mandatory for Bullying, and Sexual Harrassment

Mandatory out of School Suspension for students that Bully, or Sexually Harrass any student, and severe penalty if against a disabled student., as well as professional reprimand aganst education professionals and/or leaders not fully investigating parties envolved from beginning to end of the investigative process.

Why is this important?

My 16 yr old daughter is being bullied and sexually harrassed at JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL in Jackson, Michigan. Because my daughter did not know the name of the student, and even though the boy was witnessed by a security guard as he cat called and put his arm around her shoulder, the principal has not made any attempt to find out what the security guard saw, nor was an attempt made to identify the name of this boy.. now today, a day after my daughter's Case Manager, and myself had an emergency confrence with the 10th grade principal, Mr. Hillard, Councelor McMillian, and modt of
her teachers, nothing had been done to confront the boy, much less dicipline him for bullying and sexual harrassment, which both actions violate Section 504 of the AMA,and students with dicibilities Act, as well as anti-bullying legislation signed into law by Governor Snyder in 2011. My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, and Severe Depression. She has idiations of commiting suicide, more now then ever before. When I attended the meeting, i was not their to discuss her academic performance so much as how the bullying is out of control, and spilling onto the street when she walks home, the counselor and principal kept pushing blame on my child for her poor academic performance rather then address the issue at hand, -my child being bullied. Today, my daughter was the very SAME ROOM AS THE BULLY. It was not until my child identified the bully as the unnamed fellow that started sexually harrassing her two weeks ago on her way home from school, did the principal act, by removing her from the class, and spending the rest of the day in the 10th grade office. If the principal had acted faster, by following up with the security guard about what he saw in the hallway, my daughter would never been placed in the wrong room. To date, nothing has been done to dicipline this boy, while my daughter has to live in fear what could happen her, or someone else. Bullies must be confronted, diciplined with stiff penalty(s), and educated on the effects of bullying, and NOT BE ALLOWED TO GET OFF SCOT FREE!!
