To: Wendy J Olsen, US Attorney for the state of Idaho

Malad City Idaho Sheriff : Making their own rules.

We need an Investigation into breaking the law and violating constitutional rights by our law-enforcement and judicial system officials.

Why is this important?

Illegal search and seizures and false arrests--our officials are tormenting the community by seizing personal property for their own use and gains, causing people to be afraid and in some cases committing suicide. These paid officials are supposed to serve and protect the citizens of their community. Officer Williams of Oneida County Sheriff's Office has in fact committed perjury under oath on the stand. These acts should be stopped before other people are hurt. The people of the community deserve protection, to be secure in their homes, and not to live in fear; they should live with the knowledge that the founding document, the Constitution, protects them just as it should all others in this country. Instead, they have been robbed of the Constitutional protections of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. From judge's, prosecuting attorneys, to the sheriffs office, they are all involved. Time for a change!
