To: Chris Pattacini, BOE Chairperson, Michael Crockett, SMARTR Committee Chairperson, Leo Diana, Mayor, Jay Moran, Deputy Mayor, Timothy Devanney, BOD Member, Cheri Pelletier, BOD Member, Maria Cruz, BOE Member, Deborah Hagenow, BOE Member, ...

Manchester BOE: Save Washington Elementary School

Show the Washington Love. Save our school - Save our neighborhood - Save Manchester!

Why is this important?

Building Washington Elementary School "like new" is not only a step in the right direction to solving the achievement gap in Manchester, but it is a step in the right direction as a whole for the "City of Village Charm." Closing Washington in a effort to solve the short term problem of the cost to renovate our long neglected elementary schools will cause irreparable harm to the most vibrant and diverse neighborhood in Manchester. We, the undersigned, are showing our love of not only a great school with great teachers, but a neighborhood that is a part of making Manchester a great place for EVERYONE to live.
