To: Manchester BOD, Scott Shanley, Town Manager, Chris Pattacini, BOE Chairperson, Maria Cruz, BOE Member, Deborah Hagenow, BOE Member, Neal Leon, BOE Member, Jason Scappaticci, BOE Member, Mary-Jane Pazda, BOE Member, Carl Stafford, BOE Me...

Manchester BOD: Re-open Nathan Hale Elementary School

RE-OPEN the anchor of the East Side neighborhood!!! Save our neighborhood & Save Manchester, the "City of Village Charm".

Why is this important?

Re-opening Nathan Hale School as an elementary school is the RIGHT choice for the East Side and the Town of Manchester. We, the undersigned Parents, Teachers, Business Owners and concerned Neighbors support the health & well-being of the East Side Neighborhood, a VITAL part of our town. The return of our beloved elementary school will mutually benefit Manchester and ALL of its residents.