To: President Donald Trump, The Oklahoma State House, The Oklahoma State Senate, Governor Kevin Stitt, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Mandate all Autism therapies be covered through Medicaid and private insurance!

Include ABA therapy to be a mandated coverage through Medicaid and private insurance. Oklahoma is one of only five states left who have no mandates in place to protect those who are diagnosed with Autism.

Why is this important?

The effectiveness of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for the treatment of Autism and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders is supported by decades of clinical research ( Yet insurance companies in Oklahoma continue to deny coverage for ABA therapy on the basis that it is "experimental" or "investigational"; that it is "habilitative" or "educational" in nature; or that the DSM-IV diagnostic codes for pervasive developmental disorders are simply not covered at all.

Considering that the CDC estimates 1 in 68 children have been identified and that early intervention with ABA therapy is such a crucial element of a successful treatment plan, it is imperative that insurance companies be required to provide coverage. Furthermore, ABA has demonstrated effectiveness for persons with autism throughout the lifespan. Coverage for ABA should not be limited to children, but should be available to all.
