To: President Donald Trump

Mandate Better Child Protection

Please assist with providing more adequate protection for our schoolsand daycare facilities.

Why is this important?

As we all grieve and mourn the loss from today's tragedy that took place in Newton, CT, I can't help but think of why the public places we must utilize to make a living and for our children to recieve an education are not required to have a certain level or system for their protection. We not only need The White House or Congress to pay attention to gun laws, but to implement a system or demand public places such as schools AND daycare centers to put something in place where people aren't able to have access to these places that shouldn't have it. Places such as banks and The White House ensures they have no trespassers; should this not be the same for our children whom rely on us to protect them. Please sign this petition requesting Congress to assist with this problem of inadequate protection in our schools and daycare facilities.