To: President Donald Trump, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, Governor Jared Polis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Mandatory body cameras on all CPS workers

C.P.S. employees have the power to heavily influence the removal of your child/children from your home, temporarily or permanently. The removal of a child from a family is a serious event, which permanently scars the minds of all those involved, as well as friends and relatives. One would think this power to severely disrupt the lives of thousands of families across the U.S. would have a lawful system of checks and balances. I speak for thousands of people when I say this system lacks proper oversight. I have started this petition in hopes of influencing a new law, making it mandatory for C.P.S. employees to wear body cameras when visiting a family's home. A body camera on every C.P.S. worker who visited a family's home would prove or disprove the allegations made against the family in question. The objective recording of the C.P.S. worker's visit would accelerate the process of separating a child from a potential life-threatening environment, while keeping upright families from getting completely engrossed in family courtrooms.

Why is this important?

CPS workers need to be held accountable. If they have nothing to hide or worry about, they should be willing to wear body cameras when interacting with the public. In a criminal court, evidence matters. In a family courtroom, it's your word vs the CPS worker. Guess what, the CPS workers always win because the judge always sides with them. We need justice back in the justice system.
Sign this petition for all CPS workers who work with the public to wear body cameras.
