To: President Donald Trump, The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, Governor Phil Murphy, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Mandatory Jail Time for anyone Assaulting a Law Enforcement Official

An additional 5 years to Life Sentence should be added to any individual assaulting Law Enforcement personnel. This is regardless of the initial charge and regardless of whether they are found guilty of the initial charge. Example - an individual is written a ticket for speeding. In the process, he/she gets out of their car and assaults the Officer. The ticket is not upheld in court. This individual could still receive 5 years in jail or prison for the assault. Let's take back our streets and protect those who protect us every day! #nomorelawlessness #bluelivesmatter

Why is this important?

Our Government established Law Enforcement agencies to protect us and be our first line of defense inside our own borders. It's about time our Government makes this a top priority once again. Lawlessness cannot exist on our soil. We must take back our streets and respect the law and our Justice System for it is the very foundation of our safety here in the U.S. Law Enforcement personnel should be respected. It is not acceptable for individuals to target the very people who are protecting us as citizens. We have to take a stand on their behalf. I support Law Enforcement. Please sign this petition if you believe Blue Lives Matter. Please sign this petition if you want to stop the senseless attacks on all Law Enforcement personnel. Please sign this petition if you want to take back our streets.