To: Mansfield, MA Selectmen

Mansfield, Massachusetts, Remove ACO JEFF COLLINS from his position.

Remove Mansfield, Massachusetts Animal Control Officer Jeff Collins from his position, and hold him accountable for the numerous deaths on his hands.

Why is this important?

Mansfield, MA Animal Control Officer Jeff Collins is killing pit bulls due to his personal bias and discrimination, along with numerous cats and other breeds of dogs. PLEASE HELP US MAKE THIS STOP!!! This man doesn't deserve this job, nor to be judge jury and executioner in behavior based euthanasia when he self admittedly doesn't understand nor is aptly educated in canine behavior. Animals are dying! WE DEMAND CHANGE!

Rocco the blue nosed pit bull was killed in December 2012, Carmella the pit bull in August 2013, and now Oscar the pit bull in October 2013, with other's in between and more in danger! No animal is safe in this town until he has been removed!