We the citizens, of Okla, petition the State of Ok Department of Transportation Legislators and Governor to sign a Licensing Agreement on US patent 5,771,518, allowing the testing by local and Federal officials, and use of, we believe , an INNOVATIVE Precast Bridge manufactured in a Factory , erected in days, thus TaXPayers Saving, and JOBS
Why is this important?
Ok has a US patent 5,771,518 ( Total Precast Bridge manufactured in a Factory , erected in days) being delayed March 1 2005 to 1 March 2012 at OK Department of Okla, which, if allowed to be included in a US DOT GRANT for Testing, we believe, these ( Tested Total Precast Bridges manufactured in a Factory , erected in days ) with Carbon Fiber material would COST approx $56.00 per sq foot, vs the new I- 40 and 5,000 OK bridges COST Approx $98.00 per sq foot over next Gov Fallin's 8 year Plan