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To: The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Marijuana Legalization

For too long marijuana has been demonized even though it's actually safer than tobacco, alcohol, and even many prescription drugs. If alcohol and tobacco can be legal, why not marijuana?

Why is this important?

I'm starting this petition because I know the people of Georgia and the people of the nation are fed up with marijuana being treated like it's some kind of danger. It has countless medical, physical, mental, and economic benefits and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to reap those benefits in this state or this nation. Marijuana is safe and effective, it would but a huge dent in the opioid crisis and help with the deficit. Its safer than many prescription drugs and certainly safer than alcohol which many turn to, if tobacco and alcohol are legal, then why not weed too?



2022-07-03 14:46:43 -0400

25 signatures reached