To: Rick Scott, Govennor of Florida


There is a travesty of justice in the state of Florida: the case of Marissa Alexander. Marissa Alexander is a mother and college graduate with a master's degree, and she had no prior criminal record. In fear of her abusive husband, this Florida mom shot a warning shot. No one was injured, but she got 20 years in prison.

We, the people of these United States of America, ask the governor of Florida to review the case of Marissa Alexander and pardon her from this blatant miscarriage of justice.

Why is this important?

We can fight to restore the promising young life of a woman in Florida. A mom who shot a warning shot where no one was injured. She got 20 Years In Prison. Marissa Alexander is a mother, a college graduate with a Masters Degree, and had no prior criminal record. This is a travesty that can be rectified and her life can be restored. Tell Governor Rick Scott To Pardon Marissa Alexander