To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Market place competition enhancement act

The minimum wage any business is required to pay its employees should be adjusted based on the SIZE of the company (i.e. its yearly revenue), such that the larger a business is, the higher the minimum wages it should be required to pay (up to a 50% premium). This policy will vastly improve the ability of small businesses to compete with large ones, which will benefit everyone in our society.

Why is this important?

The Federal minimum wage should be adjusted for each company according to the size of their revenue stream. As corporations grow in size, they become virtually impossible for smaller business to compete against, mostly due to their vastly lower overhead and the efficiency of their acquisition pipelines. To IMPROVE competition in almost every industry, companies should be required to pay HIGHER minimum wages based on the size of its revenues, with very large companies being required to pay as much as 50% higher wages than businesses with fewer than 10 employees.