To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Marketplave (un)Fairness Act

Oppose HR 684,which will force all mail order companies - catalogs and Internet - to collect and remit sales taxes to each state and local jurisdiction based on the location of the buyer. Consumers and Small businesses will suffer. large retailers will be the only ones remaining in business, leaving us with fewer choices and less price competition.

CALL, WRITE OR EMAIL your congressman/woman today and tell them you oppose this misguided legislation. To read the bill in tts entirety and to locate contact information for your representative,
search HR 684 at And please sign the petition.

Why is this important?

Small retail businesses are having to accommodate many thousands of different state and local tax codes and be subjected to enforcement by out-of state revenue boards in out of state courts. With no system available to apply appropriate taxes at the time of purchase, the businesses will be forced to raise prices by up to 10% to cover the various taxes once all records are reconciled.