To: President Donald Trump, The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, Governor Ralph Northam, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Martin Shkreli: Drug Company Greed

Thousands of people who are in dire need of medications will go untreated due to the gouging of the pharmaceutical drug markets ~ Martin Shkreli has set the bar of greed at a new level.

We, the citizens of the United States of America, need laws to prevent this. Everyone deserves a chance to live.


Why is this important?

Shkreli revealed that his current company Turing Pharmaceuticals, has hiked the price of Daraprim from $13.50 to $750 per pill after Turing bought the drug, which is used to treat a parasitic infection, in August 2015.

Shkreli has defended this move as being necessary for his company, Turing, to be profitable and to fund research for a replacement drug. This is simply untrue; this drug has been used since the 1960s and is very effective and much needed.

The United States needs to introduce a plan to control drug prices overall; healthcare should be a fundamental right of every citizen in our country.

Shkreli is former hedge fund manager, who was fired from Retrophin, which he founded, last year. In August, the company sued him in Manhattan federal court, for "repeatedly breaching his duty of loyalty to Retrophin," by allegedly using his control of Retrophin to "enrich himself and to pay off claims of [his prior hedge fund's] investors (who he had defrauded)," Retrophin claimed in its suit.

The citizens of the United States need to demand healthcare for all. This situation, in such a rich country, is reprehensible and has gotten completely out of control.