To: The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, and Governor Larry Hogan

Maryland: Stop attacking law abiding citizens and coddling criminals!

History has shown that gun control results in increased gun violence. The recent Newtown CT and VA Tech massacres occurred in "Gun-Free Zones," and the most violent cities in the USA - Chicago, Washington DC, and Baltimore, already have the strictest gun control. Maryland legislators: Please stop coddling criminals by plea bargaining away penalties for violent crimes already on the books. We need effective enforcement of the current laws, not new laws to punish law-abiding citizens and coddle the criminals.

Why is this important?

Governor O'Malley and the Maryland legislature are proposing new laws which will do NOTHING to effectively reduce violent crime, protect our schools, or penalize the real criminals. We need to do a better job of enforcing the CURRENT gun laws and implement measures that are shown to actually reduce violence, not "feel-good" gun bans that only punish law abiding citizens.
