To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker
Massachusetts Leadership in reducing Gun Violence
We the undersigned are writing to ask for your immediate action on common-sense gun legislation. We believe that there are critical steps that we need to take now to bring this devastation under control.
The changes we want to see include.
1. Require background checks for all gun purchases. This should include closing the loop holes associated gun show and private sales.
2. Take actions needed to ensure that the Massachusetts mental health records are included the National Instant Criminal Background Check System
3. Ban assault weapons.
4. Ban ammunition magazines of more than 5 rounds
5. Take actions through your party at the national level to ensure that the CDC and others in the medical profession are mandated and funded to study and to make recommendations on this public health emergency
The vast majority of voters want change. We have allowed the gun lobby and extremists in the NRA to bully us into this immoral and irresponsible position. It is time to take control of our state and our country.
The changes we want to see include.
1. Require background checks for all gun purchases. This should include closing the loop holes associated gun show and private sales.
2. Take actions needed to ensure that the Massachusetts mental health records are included the National Instant Criminal Background Check System
3. Ban assault weapons.
4. Ban ammunition magazines of more than 5 rounds
5. Take actions through your party at the national level to ensure that the CDC and others in the medical profession are mandated and funded to study and to make recommendations on this public health emergency
The vast majority of voters want change. We have allowed the gun lobby and extremists in the NRA to bully us into this immoral and irresponsible position. It is time to take control of our state and our country.
Why is this important?
The violence and death caused by lack of regulations on firearms has to be stopped. The leadership of the Massachusetts government should take the lead in championing change starting locally, but driving change at a national level.