To: Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City

Mayor Bloomberg Correct the 9/11 Memorial Mistake

We the citizens of the United States of America who all honor the heroic first responders on 9/11, call on you to rectify the placement of Mohammad Salman Hamdani's name on the 9/11 Memorial. He was a NYPD cadet and first responder who perished doing his duty on 9/11 and his city dishonors his legacy by not paying its rightful respects.

Why is this important?

When the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11/01, Mohammad Salman Hamdani, a NYPD cadet was one of the first responders pulling people out of the rubble. Sadly, like many of the other first responders that day, he never returned home.

His nation and his city first dishonored his legacy and his name when they actually suspected him to be a conspirator, then by misplacing his name on the 9/11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan they did it a second time.

This is a slight that cannot be allowed to be forgotten and justice must be done. Mohammad's name deserves its rightful placement.
