To: Bill de Blasio, Mayor, New York City, Melissa Mark-Viverito, Speaker, New York City Council, and New York Council Speaker Mark-Viverito
Mayor de Blasio/Speaker Mark- Viverito: Cancel the Bloomberg administration agreement to have a r...
The Union Square Community Coalition [USCC], a 501 (3)(c) non-profit organization was established in 1980 to reverse the dramatic deterioration of Union Square Park due to years of neglect and to help return it to its historic significant role as one of the great open spaces in New York City. USCC was one of the first community groups in NYC formed to help protect a city park. For 34 years, USCC has fought to improve the park's use for children and the community.
The New York State Court of Appeals judges recently stated that although it is legal to put a restaurant in the Pavilion, the Mayor has the authority to cancel the previous Bloomberg administration agreement to do so.
The community does not need a restaurant in the Pavilion. There has never been a restaurant in the Pavilion. A recent count indicated that there are over 150 restaurants and bars within a two block radius of the Pavilion/Park. It is important to note that the area around Union Square Park has the lowest amount of playground space and the highest concentration of restaurants in the entire City.
Columbus Park in Chinatown has a similar Pavilion that was renovated and it serves the community
with a variety of programs for children, youth and seniors. The same can be done and can happen at the Pavilion in Union Square park.
All Mayor de Blasio has to do is say NO to the restaurant and YES to a community facility which will serve the children, youth and seniors of our park/playground starved community.
The New York State Court of Appeals judges recently stated that although it is legal to put a restaurant in the Pavilion, the Mayor has the authority to cancel the previous Bloomberg administration agreement to do so.
The community does not need a restaurant in the Pavilion. There has never been a restaurant in the Pavilion. A recent count indicated that there are over 150 restaurants and bars within a two block radius of the Pavilion/Park. It is important to note that the area around Union Square Park has the lowest amount of playground space and the highest concentration of restaurants in the entire City.
Columbus Park in Chinatown has a similar Pavilion that was renovated and it serves the community
with a variety of programs for children, youth and seniors. The same can be done and can happen at the Pavilion in Union Square park.
All Mayor de Blasio has to do is say NO to the restaurant and YES to a community facility which will serve the children, youth and seniors of our park/playground starved community.
Why is this important?
The Pavilion in Union Square Park should be used /have programs for the children, youth and seniors of the community and NOT for a restaurant. Time is of the essence, Mayor de Blasio has to act and say NO to the restaurant now.