To: Name, Title or Position (optional) and Mayor Kevin Johnson
Mayor Kevin Johnson: Save Mark Hopkins Elementary School
Stop the closure of Mark Hopkins Elementary school.
Why is this important?
Mark Hopkins Elementary, sister school to Rosa Parks Middle School and the bright spot of the Meadowview community should not be closed. Mark Hopkins is a major resource of information and stability to nearby parents, students, and businesses. Just last year, the Kings basketball team made major improvements to our playground and totally renovated our computer lab. Through community support last year, our school won a local contest for a very beautiful garden on campus. During the last election, Mark Hopkins was one of the very few polling places in the vicinity. Mark Hopkins is the site of vital after school programs and community support programs. Mark Hopkins needs support so that the community can continue to be strong and grow past the economic crisis. This community cannot afford to lose Mark Hopkins Elementary. Don't force elementary school boys and girls to walk extra, potentially dangerous miles to another school. Save Mark Hopkins Elementary School!