To: Mayor Kitty Piercy and City Council

Mayor Kitty Piercy and City Council of Eugene: Enact water conservation measures.

In light of the current drought in Oregon and with foresight toward a future that will require the city of Eugene to become increasingly conservative with its water usage, I am calling on the mayor of Eugene and the City Council to enact water conservation measures now.

Why is this important?

The western U.S. is experiencing an unprecedented drought. The state of California is currently in a water emergency. We in Oregon should not think that we are immune to these drought related problems. Instead of waiting for a crisis to unfold i feel it is wise to enact water conservation measures ,e.g. limiting lawn watering in parks/residences in 2014, in order to ensure that we don't find ourselves in an emergency situation. Water conservation is one of the most important strategies we can utilize in offsetting the effects of climate change. I believe this foresight will benefit our community greatly.