To: The Honorable Francis X. Murray, Mayor

Mayor Murray: Help Keep Buckingham Road and Wilson School Safe!

The intersection of Buckingham Road and Pembroke Court, immediately in front of Wilson School, has become a chaotic and dangerous convergence of vehicle, school bus, and foot traffic during drop-off and pick-up times (8:40-9:00 am, and 3:10-3:30 pm).

We propose a reassessment of current crossing guard assignments to ensure that guards are being utilized at the areas that could most benefit from their presence, such as this one. This highly-trafficked intersection accommodates nearly all of Wilson’s 382 students, plus caretakers and younger siblings from the 260 families that they represent, during the times in question.

As the situation is growing increasingly problematic, we hope to partner with the Mayor's Office to find a timely and effective solution.

Why is this important?

The traffic situation in front of Wilson School has become increasingly dangerous to pedestrian, bus, and vehicular traffic. Please join the Wilson administration and PTA and sign this petition to Mayor Murray to ask for a crossing guard at the Buckingham/Pembroke intersection. Thank you.