To: Beth Talabisco, Tamarac Mayor

Mayor Talabisco, save our way of life.

Stop the proposed development of the former Monterey Golf Course. It will destroy our way of life and create dangerous traffic conditions in the community.

Why is this important?

I live in Mainlands 4, a retirement community, next to a proposed development that will add over 1,000 residents in a narrow slice of land with only 1 point of ingress and egress. This will create extremely dangerous conditions on the ONLY road leading into and out of the development. There are no sidewalks and the 2 lane street was not designed for an additional 1,000+ vehicles a day.

Most of you are aware of how vehemently this development has been opposed from the beginning. We were lied to by past politicians who promised this would never happen. Now it's time for you to right this terrible wrong.

Protecting our citizens and our way of life should be your top priority. Do the right thing and stop this hated, ill conceived development.
Save our way of life!
