To: Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor
Mayor Villaraigosa: Hands Off Our Social Security!
Fix The Debt’s corporate backed approach to gutting our social safety net is dangerous. You should be working towards a balanced approach that will not hurt working and middle class families.
Joining the steering committee of Fix The Debt was a mistake. You should immediately resign from the organization and work towards actual solutions that will help all Americans.
Joining the steering committee of Fix The Debt was a mistake. You should immediately resign from the organization and work towards actual solutions that will help all Americans.
Why is this important?
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced that he joined the steering committee of “Fix The Debt.” This is a group of corporate CEO’s who are pushing to balance the budget on the backs of middle and working class Americans. Mayor Villaraigosa should immediately resign from the organization.
Fix The Debt’s plan includes major cuts to Social Security and Medicare while cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires. This approach is not balanced and it is unfair to people like me. Expecting us to give up essential portions of our social safety net to give the wealthiest more tax breaks is wrong.
As somebody who volunteered and knocked on doors to help elect for Mayor Villaraigosa, I feel disappointed and betrayed.
As former chair of the Democratic National Convention, it is inappropriate that Villaraigosa use his position to help this corporate backed group gut Social Security and Medicare, which many of us will need someday.
You can read about Fix The Debt here:
You can read a blog post on Mayor Villaraigosa joining Fix The Debt here:
Fix The Debt’s plan includes major cuts to Social Security and Medicare while cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires. This approach is not balanced and it is unfair to people like me. Expecting us to give up essential portions of our social safety net to give the wealthiest more tax breaks is wrong.
As somebody who volunteered and knocked on doors to help elect for Mayor Villaraigosa, I feel disappointed and betrayed.
As former chair of the Democratic National Convention, it is inappropriate that Villaraigosa use his position to help this corporate backed group gut Social Security and Medicare, which many of us will need someday.
You can read about Fix The Debt here:
You can read a blog post on Mayor Villaraigosa joining Fix The Debt here: