To: Vincent Gray, Mayor of Washington DC

Mayor Vincent Gray: Raise the Wage!

Mayor Gray: Sign the Large Retailer Accountability Act so that Walmart workers in the District of Columbia earn a living wage of $12.50/hour.

Why is this important?

In a huge step for workers, the Washington DC City Council recently passed a bill requiring big-box retailers to pay a living wage of $12.50 an hour for employees at stores in the District of Columbia.

Now we just need Mayor Vincent Gray to sign it into law.

Walmart reaps $17 billion in profits annually and their employees pay the cost, taking home than less that $25,000 a year. The least Walmart can do is pay its DC workers a living wage.

Tell Mayor Gray to stand with working families and the DC community and sign the Large Retailer Accountability Act so that our workers can earn a living wage.