To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Mayoral Contol

End Mayoral Control of the New York City Public Schools which has resulted in the politicizing and privitization of education for personal and/or political gain over the education of all children.

Why is this important?

Under the current mayor the focus has been on blaming teachers as characterized by his administration's obsession with the development of an "I gotcha" teacher evaluation system; rather than recognizing that effective teaching is an art form not a student testing taking, consultant profit making, data driven and teacher paper pushing - corporation. Using our children as guinea pigs by closing schools rather than supporting them and pitting public schools against charter schools resulting in overcrowded school building and classrooms - children are human beings not tools or corporate things. Education is the enterprise of caring about student learning; it is meant to be led by an educator who understands the various needs of all children not a dictating privitization, means to an end, legacy for ambitious politicians. Our schools must be governed by community and parental input which includes the responsibilities and idealogy indicated by our president during the recent election: "Teachers must inspire, Principals must lead, Parents must urge and children must do the work." by the President of the United States of America Barack Obama. We deserve better give our schools back to our parents, teachers, students, and community by mandating parental and community input in the governance and/or leadership of our schools.
