To: Rep. Bryan Steil (WI-1) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-1)

McConnell and Ryan: Pull your Trump Endorsements NOW.

Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan,

While a number of moments during this campaign have disturbed many Americans, Donald Trump's response to Khizr Khan has truly crossed the line.

Khizr's son, Humayun Khan, is a hero who sacrificed his life for this country. After his father criticized Donald Trump for smearing Muslims during the DNC, Donald Trump did not offer his condolences. He did not thank the Khans for their sacrifice and their commitment to this country. Instead, Donald Trump responded by again disparaging and stereotyping women and Muslim Americans.

He responded with no concern for our First Amendment right to Freedom of Religion. This contradicts our most fundamental values as Americans.

Above all, America is a refuge that calls for "your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." We fought, bled and died on battlefields to free ourselves from litmus tests. Now, a presidential candidate threatens those core values we hold so dear.

It's time to renounce your Donald Trump endorsements. The world is watching, and we will not forget.

If you are truly men of principle, men of integrity, show America and the World. If you are truly patriots and truly conservatives, prove it.

Put country over party. Remind us what it means to be a true statesman. Show the world what we mean by the home of the brave.

Either you support Donald Trump, or you support the Constitution of the United States.

Renounce your endorsements of Donald Trump.

Why is this important?

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's endorsements lend undeserved credibility to a fascist, white nationalist campaign. They have the potential to change the course of history. We hope to help them make the right decision and save us from catastrophe.