To: Brenda B. Blackburn, Division Superintendant and MCPS Schoolboard, Schoolboard
MCPS School Board: We Need an 8-Class Schedule
A 7-class schedule would limit a BHS students’ ability to excel to their full potential- we need 8 classes to maximize our opportunities as high school students.
Why is this important?
As students of Blacksburg High School, we feel that we would be limited in our academic success with only seven classes. Many students would not be able to take all the classes they desired, therefore limiting their own stride to become more educated people. Students who wish to take electives, fine arts, and career/technical classes will also be restricted in their choice because they will not have as many periods to do so. School spirit and morale will decline when students do not have a community that they enjoy participating in. If students DO take an eighth class after school as offered, they cannot participate in athletics and other extra-curricular activities that they formerly have. Therefore, having eight classes AND a lunch is the best way to serve the Blacksburg community.