To: Vaughn D. Spencer, Mayor of Reading, President Donald Trump, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Meatless Mondays

It is estimated the 18% of greenhouse gases come from livestock
and it's production. Public Health experts suggest that reducing our daily intake of meat by 60%, will help reduce excess weight and obesity and result in benefits to individuals and society. Cutting out meat/the production of meat for just one day can have a truly large impact on our health and our Earth.

Why is this important?

Eating less meat can help minimize the ecological footprint of your food because stock breeding has a detrimental impact on the environment as well as improve our health, which is important given the obesity epidemic and global warming crisis we are in today. I propose that there should be a limit on Mondays of meat consumption, but mostly production in order to further ourselves as a whole. It's a small change that will in turn make a huge difference.