Media Milking Disasters
CNN, MSNBC and other major media are 'devoting' their full time to covering every possible bit of the Newtown killings and its after effects.
They are not covering any other news.Perhaps there have been no bombings, no earthquakes, other news at all, good or bad.
Does anyone else feel that the major news medias are milking the Newtown tragedy for everything they can get?
Television news media seems to do this whenever there is a heart wrenching tragedy in the United States.
Lets let them know we also want the rest of the news covered.
They are not covering any other news.Perhaps there have been no bombings, no earthquakes, other news at all, good or bad.
Does anyone else feel that the major news medias are milking the Newtown tragedy for everything they can get?
Television news media seems to do this whenever there is a heart wrenching tragedy in the United States.
Lets let them know we also want the rest of the news covered.
Why is this important?
The tragic killings at Newtown, CT was Friday.
It is now early Monday morning and still that is the only story on the news.
Is there also other news in the world that should be being covered?
Do you want to know what else is going on?
It is now early Monday morning and still that is the only story on the news.
Is there also other news in the world that should be being covered?
Do you want to know what else is going on?