To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis
Medicaid Expansion
Expand Medicaid assistance NOW for the thousands of Floridians who desperately need financial help!
Why is this important?
The decision as to whether to accept Medicaid assistance from the federal government is being considered by the Florida House, whose leader opposes it along party lines. The governor, Rick Scott who has refused it for several years, now is in favor of providing Medicaid expansion. Economic conditions caused by unregulated government policies and wasteful spending have caused severe financial hardships for hard working people who paid taxes that have provided this funding. Health care costs have skyrocketed! This Medicaid funding is desperately needed for thousands of Floridians. This is not a "party" issue, it is making a humane decision for persons who elected these officials and have provided the money to help themselves and others at a period of extreme need. It is time to serve the people and not special interest groups who elect officials.