To: The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, and Governor David Ige
Medical Cannabis Patient's Rights in Hawaii
There must be safe and legal access to medicine (cannabis) for qualified medical patients. Please support patient's rights and create a brokerage and clearing house system which will offer this safe access that is so desperately needed. This system would entail a state-run clearing house which will collect taxes from growers that day, and be able to offer product to qualified dispensaries that day. Please consider this during this upcoming legislative session.
Why is this important?
There must be safe and legal access to medicine (cannabis) for qualified medical patients. Please support patient's rights and create a brokerage and clearing house system which will offer this safe access that is so desperately needed. This system would entail a state-run clearing house which will collect taxes from growers that day, and be able to offer product to qualified dispensaries that day. Please consider this during this upcoming legislative session.