To: James G. Terwilliger, President IU Health Methodist, John C. Kohne, Chief Operating Officer, President Donald Trump, The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, Governor Eric Holcomb, The United States House of Representatives, an...

Medical Malpractice

Just because you as the injured person or family member can not prove medical malpractice, the medical professional have a obligation of ethical liability to the patient and family to do the right thing. There is no monetary value that can ever replace the loss of a loved one, but even with that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, to be compensated for the pain and suffering that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives. It is not fair nor right that the lives of those left behind should be damaged because of an error one of the medical professionals inflicted or escalated which resulted in death.

Why is this important?

Medical malpractice can happen to anyone everywhere. Those in the operating room are the first to know when an error has occurred, often times it is not until the patient has suffered even greater medical conditions or death that the family finds out. The law says that as long as the doctors or hospital do something to correct or console the family they are no longer held liable, and even more so if the person has prior medical conditions not related to the current one and if the patient is a little up in age the medical professions use that against them and lawyers are reluctant to take on the case because of the expenses associated with the malpractice. It is still not fair to that individual nor the family to go through dealing with the loss of a loved one. Even more, at what point should the family be told that the injury to the patient could be fatal; do we or the patient not have a right to express their last will or instruction about going forward? Medical Malpractice is murder in another term of definition and there should be something in the law forbidding the medial profession from being exempt from their wrong doings, no individual or family should have to incur expenses to prove their wrong doings, and undergo the threat of going into poverty trying to maintain and hold on to what the patient left behind.
