To: President Donald Trump, The North Carolina State House, Governor Roy Cooper, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Medical Marijuanna
Legalize medical marijuanna. Better & safer than narcotic pain killing drugs!!!!
Why is this important?
Legalizing it. I have RA & can get pain meds, but then I go from bed to couch to bed! I finally quit the 3 serious cancer drugs they had me on & & down to 1/3 the dosage of steriods. The pain meds numb me & take away any ambition. I take a few hits off a joint & my mind gets to working on other things besides my pain & discomfort & next thing I know I am actually getting something done. It's like hitting you thumb with a hammer. The more you stare at it the more it hurts, but put it off to the side & you don't think about it as much. Still hurts but you can do other things! I am 62 years old & my high on life now is having a good day pain wise & trying to get some enjoyment of living! Or your way I sit on the counch like zombie & watch TV & go to bed & do it all over tomorrow. Is that a way to live? It takes the stiffness & pain of joint damage away to where I can do things without being on a narcotic!!!! It's not like I am abusing drugs, getting wild & crazy, I just want to live out what years I have left & be able do manage my pain & enjoy some sort of life! I have proven to my Doctor that I very seldom use the Oxycodone I was prescibed 2 years ago. In fact that prescription has expired & I still have many left. I only use them when I get tired of the pain & need some rest!! Or would you rather see me taking one every 4 hours? That's no life!!!