To: Governor Bill Lee

Medical Treatment for Battered Women

Allow battered persons to reccieved medical care without naming the persons who battered them.

Silverrene Roundtree

Why is this important?

In Tennesse, a battered woman must name her batter before reccieving medical care. I am an artist and anthropolgist that learned about the plight of battered women doing a course on battered women at the University of Tennesse at Chattanooga. I have followed this terrible action on women since that time. Bills introduced in the past have failed in the State House in TN. The government must realized that abused women personality change as they are abused, and they tend to fault themselves plus more women are killed by their abuser. Yes, an attempt was made by a person to abuse me, but I was strong enough to escape because I realized the consquences.

Silverrene Roundtree