To: President Donald Trump

MediCare 4 all DisabledWorkers

Whereas, not all disabled workers are eligible for medicare until age 65 or older due to numerous admistrative laws/rules & encumbrances..

We the denied but ruled legally medically Disabled. Do hereby demand the removal of all encumbrances to our access to earned medical care & for the prevention of medical bankruptcy from predatory medical insurance complexes that benefit from workers injured in our global economic war & from the techinical encumbrances of insurers & goverment red tape with no regard for grievants socioEconomic family plight .

Do hereby demand fair & full renumeration & back dated reinstatement (date of disability) of Medicare from this injustice of being profiled & denied the benefits of lost benefits/income from the past to present disabling injustice...rightNow !

Why is this important?

Whereas, not all disabled workers are eligible for medicare until age 65 or older due to numerous admistrative laws/rules & encumbrances..

We the denied but ruled legally medically Disabled. Do hereby demand the removal of all encumbrances to our access to earned medical care & for the prevention of medical bankruptcy from predatory medical insurance complexes that benefit from workers injured in our global economic war & from the techinical encumbrances of insurers & goverment red tape with no regard for grievants socioEconomic family plight .

Do hereby demand fair & full renumeration & back dated reinstatement (date of disability) of Medicare from this injustice of being profiled & denied the benefits of lost benefits/income from the past to present disabling injustice...rightNow !