We have paid into Medicare since we started working. Social Security and medicare were to help us after we retired! LEAVE THEM ALONE.
Those of us on Medicare cannot continue to wear the Omni Pod because YOU made it a disposable item. You need to change the code numbers to make it durable! The present numbers are: POD A 9274 and PDME 0784.
Many of us wear the Omni Pod because it gives us much better control of our blood sugars.
The complications from high and untreated blood sugars are: Blindness,Kidney Failure;Gangrene from a cut that does not heal because of the high sugars,this leads to amputations.
This petiton is to have the Congress leave alone the Medicare and Social Security Benefits and to allow us the great protection of an Omni Pod.
Why is this important?
Stop Congress from cutting Medicare and changing the code numbers for Omni Pod to make it a durable item.
POD A 9274,PDME 0784.
Tell the Congress that they will not be reelected if they don't start working for their Constituents.
The Omni Pod Insulin Pump is made by Insulet Corporation,Bedford,Ma 01730,