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To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Medicare for all

Medicare should be opened up to all US Citizens under 65 on a premium basis. Obamacare has not gone far enough. There needs to be a Federal alternative. Opening up Medicare to all US Citizens for a premium will not only apply the necessary pressures on the private sector providers to improve the cost of coverage, but it will also bring in necessary revenue to shore up the Medicare system for decades to come.

Why is this important?

Medicare should be opened up to all US Citizens under 65 on a premium basis. Obamacare has not gone far enough. There needs to be a Federal alternative. Opening up Medicare to all US Citizens for a premium will not only apply the necessary pressures on the private sector providers to improve the cost of coverage, but it will also bring in necessary revenue to shore up the Medicare system for decades to come.



2021-08-02 23:53:33 -0400

10 signatures reached