To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Medicare For All

By fixing the ACA and and making it "Medicare For All", we will cover all americans with healthcare.

Why is this important?

After the Supreme Court reaffirmed the ACA as constitutional, many have come to the rationalization that the ACA would only cover 30 million new people. Twenty-Six states petitioned the Supreme Court to not cover the additional people and were given to choice to refuse to cover them. We also will have no cost controls to the ACA as republicans had all of them stripped out during the healthcare debate as they told fear-based lies of death panels. Costs will skyrocket to recoup their losses. Medicare For All is the answer. Nearly 75% of all americans like Medicare and know it works plus it keeps costs down. If the insurance companies and the pharmacutical industry control the debate, we will never cover everyone. We must force both parties to do the right thing and stop ignoring the problem. It will take all people regardless of party to ignore the lies, threats, and fear-mongering that will surely come to distract from the issue.