To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Medicare/Medicaid Full Disclosure

We always hear in the news that the cost of healthcare is breaking the Medicare/Medicaid bank but what isn't being said is how every doctor is actually only paid a fraction of what is billed. What other industry in our country is mandated to write off up to 70% of the actual price charged for their product/service? Let's ask Congress to put their reimbursement amounts for the most commonly billed services out there for the public to see and compare. List these reimbursements side by side to that of commercial insurances and people who pay cash themselves. The disparity in payments is appalling. The cost of healthcare won't be a problem if there isn't anyone to deliver it!

Why is this important?

It's time that the American taxpayer hears the OTHER side of the story concerning government programs, specifically Medicare and Medicaid. Who is going bust? Us or Them?
