To: Arnie Dunklin, Sec of Education; Top Police Commissioners, President Donald Trump, Governor Asa Hutchinson, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Mentally Challenged Activism

Please join these concerned Citizens, taxing paying constituents and empathetic voters protesting the need for proactive legislation or an executive order for mental illness violence in America. These cycles of violence must end.

Why is this important?

Mental illness. Many people suffer mental illness sometime during their lives. It strikes us when we are our most vulnerable after tradegy strikes. Soon life gets better and there is light at the end of the tunnel of darkness.
For people with mental disease, it never goes away. As children we are afflicted. It lingers. Waits. Challenges productivity. Interferes with social interaction. Makes us vicitms of spousal Abuse. Robs us of everyday life. Whether a mentally challenged victim of war with PSTD or stressed from chronic compulsive disorders, born with autism, or suffer from severe chronic depression or bipolar disorder. So many of us struggle to be functional in everyday life and that stress makes everyday challenges ten-fold harder to accept, work out, live thru. It becomes so exhausting and unendurable many choose self-inflicted suicide or as seen in many recent incidents, seek violence as their last stand. Please join me in my meager attempt to explain, describe the need and request your actions to improve MENTAL AWARENESS &MEDICATIONS MONITORING to end the cycle of self abuse, loss of so many brave soldiers, loss of youths that could've been our next Einsteins, struggling people whose only handicap was to be born chemically unbalanced in the brain. Please help me by signing this petition to inform candidates, Congressmen, Senators, School Officials, Police Officers and the President the urgent need to push for legislation to better empower people with these disabilities. Life is possible with medications, proactive searching for the correct diet, dosage of chemicals to help with these disorders and to educate Teachers, Police what to look for, how to proactively find these children early before they become the next victim in an obituary or monster in Theatre or God forbid a desperate insane driven young man in a school building. Please help me. I hear of people who cannot afford their medicines so they purposely perpetrate crimes to be convicted, housed, jailed and receive their medications. In jails, their families can better received aide and afford food. Many go throughout life abusing their wives or children without medications. Everyday some youth kills herself due to mental illness because they just can't stand to face another day. Some are more violent and try to take others with them. I have met so many mentally challenged people and they all require medications and good nutrients to better cope with their disabilities. Please an Executive Order to make easier access for affordable care and easier access to affordable medications.
