To: President Donald Trump, The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Michigan Humans Against The Inhumane Religious Freedom Restoration Act

If you are familiar with the new Law trying to be passed through the Senate, it can take away many things that are very valuable to us Humans. We all bleed the same. We all have hearts. We all have families and lives. This Law makes it so that people can use their religion, as a crutch to not help those that they are scared of, or just simply do not know and understand! MICHIGAN IS AGAINST THIS!
EVERYONE IS HUMAN, WHICH MEANS WE ARE THE SAME, WHICH MEANS WE ARE EQUAL! Lets show our government that we are equal and deserve the same treatment! I am a VERY Christian woman and I find this Law to be very UN-lawfull. God said to treat everyone as our brother or sister and to not judge. Why are our leaders trying to judge if even religion does not allow it? There is room for their "Redemption". Everyone Sins. Everyone Bleeds. Everyone Breathes. Everyone Lives. Everyone Deserves Equality! Let's make it happen everyone!

Why is this important?

I am a Christian woman and this is not right. Everyone has the ability to have a seat next to God all the way until the day that they die. We are not to judge them. Only God can Judge! We are Human. If you pass this bill, then you are telling the world that you are just as good as God and you will loose! I have Gay family and if this law passes and they die because they didn't get treated because they are Gay, prepare to be owing a lot because my family will have your job!
