To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Mike Brown Act, aka. Right to live

To petition President Obama and Congress to sign a bill in to law that makes it a federal crime for any member of law enforcement to kill any unarmed citizen, and to regulate police training across the country

Why is this important?

Too many innocent lives are being unjustly taken by law enforcement. It has become a shoot 1st culture among law enforcement when it comes to the policing of African Americans. Everyone has the inalienable rights of LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The right to live isn't being extended to African Americans In police encounters. If a citizen is unarmed and doesn't pose and imminent threat to an officer's life then it's the officer's duty to extend the right to life back to the citizen. We feel it's the federal governments duty to protect the rights of its citizens. Also we feel that the training of law enforcement should be federally regulated so there is a uniform approach to dealing with the events that lead to killing of Micheal Brown and countless others and the hand of law enforcement...
