To: Miller Place Board of Education

Miller Place Resolution On High Stakes Testing

We ask the Miller Place Board of Education to pass a resolution on high-stakes testing. This resolution will help send a message to the NYSED and our legislators that the over-emphasis on testing is undermining the quality of education which Miller Place has a history of delivering to our children.

Why is this important?

We are concerned about the direction our schools have taken. The states growing reliance on standardized testing is adversely affecting students across all spectrums and the morale of our teachers. These tests are taking time away from real teaching. They are narrowing our curriculum, fostering an environment of teaching to the test and test prep. Science and social studies are getting less time in the classroom while art, music, and gym are taking a back seat to pre-tests, post-tests, and field tests. Love of learning is being stifled and our teachers’ morale is suffering. This resolution will send a message to our elected officials that we want them to reduce testing mandates, and allow our teachers and schools to do what they do best.
